Hockley Agro UK at BP2019 and Croptec

Hockley Agro have had a busy month this November, exhibiting at both BP2019 in Harrogate and CropTec in Peterborough.
These shows proved an excellent opportunity for us to speak to farmers about the solutions that they require in the current market, and to keep abreast of developments throughout the UK agricultural sector.
The key issues spoken about during BP2019 were PCN control, the loss of important actives such as diquat and linuron, and the endangerment of many actives going forward, including the excellent multi-site fungicide mancozeb. Hockley received much attention to our range of products, particularly our cymoxanil and propamocarb hydrochloride formulation, Rival Duo. This fungicide provides both preventative and curative action for late blight in potato, thus offering stronger control and decreasing resistance risks.
CropTec proved to be a bustling affair, with a strong line-up of seminars over the 2 days of the show. Once again held at the East of England Showground, there was a great deal of talk on the future of actives and the need for stronger IPM implementation. In addition to this, the potential ramifications of Brexit on the UK farming sector were an extremely hot topic mentioned in nearly all seminars. An excellent talk by Openfield’s Cecilia Pryce offered a new vision of UK agriculture shifting to a quality-focused system whereby UK product will be able to find consistent buyers on the world stage.
The Hockley Agro range received keen interest from attendants, in particular those products formulated here in the UK. As today’s consumers become increasingly aware of climate change issues, it is products that are sourced locally that allow producers to minimise their carbon footprint without compromising crop yields, quality, or profitability.
Hockley Agro look forward to playing our part in Britain’s changing agricultural market, as our range continues to expand, helping UK farmers remain productive and profitable in the years to come.
For more information on any of the products or issues mentioned above, please get in contact with us at info@hockley.co.uk.