Hockley Agro UK to Exhibit at Two Major Shows this November

Hockley Agro UK is delighted to announce that we will have stands at two major industry events this November, Croptec and BP2019.
On the 20th and 21st of November, Hockley will be heading to the Yorkshire Event Centre in Harrogate to make our debut at BP 2019. This exhibition is the premier event for the British potato industry, and we look forward to an excellent two days of promoting our products to this thriving market. With a specialised range of potato protection products, this will be an excellent opportunity for us to promote our range to an enthusiastic audience.
Then, the 27th and 28th of November will see us returning to more familiar ground, Croptec 2019 will mark the second time we have exhibited at this highly-acclaimed show. Last year, the Hockley Agro delegation were delighted to receive an excellent response from attendees on our specialised product range. This year the team is looking forward to returning to the East of England Showground in Peterborough to announce a range of new products, which we expect will generate keen interest and discussion from visitors.
You can find us at stand 195 at BP 2019 and at Stand 1.35 at Croptec 2019.
We look forward to seeing you there.